2019 Goals: Health, Fitness, Financial and More

Happy New Year!

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday. I just came back from my final trip of the year from Barcelona. I have a lot to share with you all but before I recap my trip I figured I’d join the bandwagon this year and share my 2019 goals.

I love the start of the year. I always feel motivated to do better and be better. Last year I was adamant about being the same person but after a few months I realized that was impossible. We all change and grow each day. Just a few months into 2018 and I was already transforming into a new person.

I know in 2019 I will continue to grow. I will experience setbacks. There will be plenty of struggles but there will also be good days and pure joy in life will get me through the dark days.

Last year I only shared two goals with the internet: to get a raise by July and publish my book.

I never did get started on writing my book…oops! I did accomplish my goal of getting a raise though–a month early too!

This year I thought I would share some more of my goals to help me stay accountable. I figure if the world knows about them (or a few people) I’ll be more likely to crush them. What can I say? I like the pressure.


Run a mile without stopping by March 1st

  • My health took a hit in 2018. I was diagnosed with PCOS, asthma and severe allergies. I have been taking several different types of steroids (along with other medication) that have made me sluggish, depressed and gain so much weight my body feels foreign. Making exercise a priority became difficult because I couldn’t breathe. I’d like to be able to run a mile again so I can reach my ultimate goal…

Run a 5K by September 1st 

  • This is my ultimate goal! I have wanted to run a 5k for a long time and would then love to train for a half marathon but baby steps, ya know? I plan to use the mobile app, C25K (Couch to 5k) to help reach me reach my goal. The app gives you a plan to follow that involves jogging/walking for the first few weeks until you can run a 5k nonstop.

Take a 90-minute kickboxing class at CKO Kickboxing 

  • My favorite workout by far is kickboxing. I want to regularly take classes three times a week so I can one-day participate in their 90-minute “punchathons” where they raise money for a charity of their choice. I don’t have a set month or date for this because they have several throughout the year and usually let members know two weeks in advance.

Try a new healthy recipe each month

  • Eating healthy can be boring. Yup, I said it. Vegetables, again? Uh….! I want to cook more and eat out less but I find myself stuck making the same recipes over and over again. So I’m going to challenge myself to cook outside my comfort zone and try a new recipe each month so I don’t get bored.

Take a local fitness class every three months

  • I would love to take a new class every month but the prices in New York City are ridiculous. I just want to push past my comfort zone and try something like I would have never done before: barre class, hip-hop dance, pole dancing…etc. I enjoy trying new things but feel intimated because I am out of shape. I have to remind myself when I tried three fitness classes in NYC in the past I still had fun even though I was the slowest in the class.

I want to remind myself to focus on getting healthy instead of getting skinny

  • Another big reason I fail fitness wise: I have always focused on the scale and being thin. While I would love to lose a certain amount of weight I start to become too focused on the number on the scale and start to go down a dangerously unhealthy path. So I want to focus on making fitness fun and maybe the pounds will drop off. Maybe they won’t. As long as I’m healthy and can breathe again I will be happy.


Pay off my car loan 

  • I worked two jobs during the holiday season so I could make a significant dent in my car loan. It helped but it was also exhausting. While I am happy with my purchase I do not like the feeling of paying interest. Interest is seriously the worst. So I’m trying to pay my car off as quickly as possible. Once my loan is gone I will be able to take the next step in life–move out of my mother’s home.

Save, save, save! 

  • In 2018 I spent more money than necessary on crap. Clothes, accessories, eating out.  I don’t regret the fun I had but I do regret being wasteful with my hard earned money. I want to save as much as I can–while still having fun every now and then–so I can move out once my car loan is paid off. Ultimately I would love to save an extra $10,000 by the end of the year. I’ll do this by putting a little extra in my savings account each month.


Find a career I’m passionate about 

  • While I love my job I don’t think I will be able to emotionally handle working in television for the rest of my life. Production is tough and it takes a toll on your personal life, health and mental well-being because of the long hours and content you’re creating. I want to focus on figuring out what I’m passionate about because I haven’t a clue. I also don’t know where to start with this either so if you have any tips please feel free to share.

Revamp my blog and incorporate audio or video into my posts 

  • Blogging was one of the best decisions I made in 2018. It has helped me mentally tremendously being able to share my dreams, worries, regrets and everything else with all of you. I want to create better content this year. I want to be more consistent and create a blogging schedule so you know when to expect posts from me. I want to revamp my website so it is more user friendly. I also think I unfortunately may need to change my blog name because I can’t get the “.com” version and that has held me back from switching platforms that would give me more freedom for my blog.
  • I also want to incorporate audio or video into my posts. I am terrible when it comes to technology. I’ve essentially like a grandma because I don’t understand photoshop, I can’t edit videos and I really don’t know how to take them either. So I want to see if I can take a class so I can improve the quality of my posts and make them more interesting and interactive.


I want to cross off more of things from my “30 Things I’d Like to Do Before 30” list 

Follow the political conversation more so I can make an educated decision when it comes to the next election 

Decrease my use of plastic to help the environment 

Read 30 books that are not fiction so I can broaden my horizon and learn about different issues and ideas 


What are your goals for the new year? Please share them with me down below. I’d love to help keep you accountable! 

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